အင္တာနက္ရဲ႕ download/upload speedေတြကို နိုတီဘားမွာေဖာ္ျပေပးမွာပါ။ကိုေန႔စဥ္အသံုးျပဳခဲ့တဲ့ data usedကိုပါေဖာ္ျပေပးမွာပါ။ေန႔ရက္၊လအသံုးျပဳခဲ့တဲ့ပဏာမကိုပါေတြရမွာပါ။
Overview: Internet Speed Meter is a tool which keeps track of your internet speed and usage. It displays your current speed in status bar and how much data you have used in notification pane. This helps you to monitor internet connection anytime while using your device.
Pro Features
Smarter notifications
Notification appears only when you are connected to internet. You can change priority of notification. You can also hide the notification when connection is idle for specified amount of time.
Themes support
You can manually select the color of user interface.
Blue status bar icon
Option to choose between blue or white status bar icon.
Upload and Download Speed
Option to show upload and download speed in separate notifications.